Monday, May 30, 2011

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Brewery: Pabst Brewing Company
Location: Woodridge, Il
Style: Lager
Brewery Website
Rating: B-

In recent years, Pabst Blue Ribbon has been seeing a bit of a resurgence in a trendy counterculture "trailer park chic" sort of way. The question is, does PBR live up to the hype, or is it just another mass-market lager with little redeeming quality? Let's taste and see.

Pabst Blue Ribbon pours from my brown-bottle longneck a clear, straw-gold in color with a white foamy head. The nose detects some grassiness, lager malt notes and a bit of juicy white wine.

On the palate the initial impression is that of crisp, smooth malt with wheat bread undertones. There is a bit of a calcium/lime mineral note, as well as some straw. Hops are fleeting and have an overall grassy flavor. PBR has a light body with decent carbonation. The finish is very short with a malt note that hints at pita bread.

Pabst Blue Ribbon is a prototypical mass-market American lager in that it is smooth and easy-drinking. The flavor does fade very quickly (too much for my liking). What is notable is the lack of any of the "off" flavors I typically notice with the usual Bud/Miller/Coors-style lagers. While it may not fully live up to the renewed hype surrounding it, PBR is still one of the best mass-market/adjunct lagers out there. I have no qualms serving it to guests, and it is always welcome in my fridge.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Blue Point Spring Fling Ale

Brewery: Blue Point Brewing Company
Location: Patchogue, NY
Style: Alt
Brewery Website
Rating: B+

We're following up our review of the excellent Otter Creek Copper Ale with Blue Point's own copper ale (and spring seasonal), the Spring Fling Ale. The Spring Fling Ale pours up a clear amber-copper in color with a hint of gold, paired with a foamy white head. The nose finds spicy and piny hops tinged with citrus and steel.

The palate first finds the clinging oiliness of hops, followed by malty notes of dark pretzels. The overall hops flavor isn't quite as prominent as the nose. Oily pine resin and spice are here, but there isn't much fruit on the palate. The hops bite may not be front and center on this beer, but it is still quite sharp. There is a mineral note of copper/steel as well. The Spring Fling Ale is medium-bodied and a bit oily. The finish has resinous hope, a hint of fruit and dry malt undertones.

Blue Point has a nice, well-rounded copper ale in their Spring Fling Ale. The hops give it a nice kick and spiciness, to match the dry malt. This is well worth a taste if you run across it this spring.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Otter Creek Copper Ale

Brewery: Otter Creek Brewing
Location: Middlebury, VT
Style: Alt
Rating: A

Today's tasting is generally considered the flagship beer from Otter Creek, their Copper Ale. True to its name, the Copper Ale pours up copper-amber in color with an off-white, clumpy foam head. The nose has citrus/grapefruit hops notes paired with a pretzely malt aroma.

The overall impression on the palate is a rich, full maltiness paired with crisp hops. The malt has bready & pretzel notes. Hops have a oily bitter note that coat the tongue with a piny note that hints at copper. There is a bit of citrus fruitiness as well. The Otter Creek Copper Ale has a medium body with some oiliness. The finish has slight residual sweetness with bready malt and lingering hops.

The Copper Ale is Otter Creek's flagship beer for good reason. The Copper Ale has rich, full malt with nice, dry/piny bitter hops as a compliment. I've found that the Copper Ale is even better on tap, but draft quality can be approximated by using a good, firm pour from bottle. If you've never tried the Otter Creek Copper Ale, you're missing out. If you're familiar with the Copper Ale, maybe it's time to grab a sixer and revisit an old friend.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Radeberger Pilsner

Brewery: Radeberger Exportbierbrauerei
Location: Radeberg, Germany
Style: Pilsner
Brewery Website
Rating: B-

Our next stop on our German Pilsner quest is Radeberger. The Radeberger Pilsner pours up straw yellow with a hint of gold. A firm pour ends up with a thick, clumpy white head. The nose is rather light. There are some lager malt aromas along with some floral notes (jasmine comes to mind).

The first taste finds a light, clean lager malt. It takes a while, but some bitter hops do show up at the party after a bit. There is a dry malt flavor of pasta dough with some spice and bitter hops notes. The Radeberger Pilsner is light bodied with plenty of carbonation. The finish finds more dry malt taking on a saltine character along with some lingering spicy hop bitterness.

The Radeberger Pilsner is very clean and crisp, with none of the off-flavors found in some Euro Pils (mainly the green-bottle variety). There is a decent amount of hops once you wade in. But for my tastes, this is just too light in flavor. If you’re a light beer drinker, then this may be a good introduction beer. Otherwise, I’ll be reaching for something with a bit more flavor.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Paulaner Premium Pils

Brewery: Paulaner Brauerei
Location: München, Germany
Style: Pilsner
Brewery Website
Rating: B

We continue the pilsner hunt in Germany. Today's find is the Paulaner Premium Pils. Paulaner's offering pours up golden yellow with barely any haze and lots of carbonation. The head is bubbly white and fades fast. The nose has wheaty malt, dry white wine and straw.

The palate leads with a dry lager maltiness. There is a touch of acidity and juiciness that hints at a dry white wine. There is also some lightly toasted white bread and a touch of hops spice. The Paulaner Premium Pils has a light-medium body and is well carbonated. The finish has dry malt notes with a faint hoppy bite.

Paulaner's Premium Pils is a pretty good pilsner. It is slightly more fully-flavored than the typical Euro-pils. I appreciate the choice of a brown bottle, as there is no skunkiness to speak of. Paulaner's Premium Pils is dry and refreshing. It is an excellent choice for green bottle fans looking for a step up in flavor.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Einbecker Brauherren Pils

Brewery: Einbecker Brauhaus AG
Location: Einbeck, Germany
Style: Pilsner
Brewery Website
Rating: B

Next up from Germany is the Einbecker Brauherren Pils. The Einbecker Pils is clear, straw-yellow in color. An aggressive pour yields a clumpy white head. The nose has a distinct green-bottle skunkiness, along with some dry pasta and herbal hops.

The palate finds less skunkiness than the nose (thankfully). There is a dry lager malt that has pasta dough and grainy components. There is a nice bitter kick on the back end that shows up after a sip or two. The Einbecker Pils has a light, smooth body. The finish has more pasta dough with a lingering hop bite.

The Einbecher Brauherren Pils is exactly what I'd expect Heineken to taste like if it had a hoppy kick. It's a shame that it comes in a green bottle, because the skunkiness really does a number on this one. I'd love to try this on draft, because the potential is really there.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jever Pilsner

Brewery: Jever
Location: Jever, Germany
Style: Pilsner
Brewery Website
Rating: A-

Our spring pilsner lovefest continues with some true German representation of the style. Today we taste the Jever Pilsner. The Jever Pilsner is clear straw-yellow in color, looking similar to an unoaked sauvignon blanc, with a short white head. The nose has a prominent lager malt character with grassy/herbal notes and some straw.

The first impression on the palate is dry crispness. There is the usual lager malt note, with a faint hint of green-bottle skunk. Hops take on an herbal note along with a nice bitter bite. There are notes of wheat toast, grass and baled hay as well. The Jever Pilsner is medium-bodied with a nice, crisp fizziness. The finish has long, lingering hops paired with trailing notes of malt.

The Jever Pilsner is a great European Pils, too bad it comes in a green bottle. This is well-hopped for a Euro pils. There is a distinct grassy/straw flavor that pairs quite well with the dryness. If you normally drink any green bottle beers, this is a huge upgrade that you owe yourself to try.